GSA’s New Floor Plan Eschews Desk-Jocky Culture
In response to the Washington Post Article: The federal office space of the future? GSA’s new floor plan eschews desk-jockey culture.
GSA Administrator Dan Tangherlini is leading a transformation of the government’s workforce and workplace supported by AgilQuest’s Smart Occupancy technology and expertise. The real estate savings this article addresses is real – six leases eliminated resulting in 50% reduction in costs to support the GSA HQ employee base.
What is not mentioned is the following:
- The same Smart Occupancy processes (hoteling, telework, mobility, utilization measurement, etc.) are being applied throughout GSA’s entire US “internal” office portfolio (space used by GSA employees). His very conservative estimate of annual $24 million in savings at 1800 F HQ is only a fraction of the costs that will be saved US-wide.
- The 1800 F HQ location exists as just one of the network of GSA buildings connected via AgilQuest’s Smart Occupancy to allow employees to work wherever, whenever they choose. This is a powerful tool to make the workforce more productive.
- GSA’s experience with Smart Occupancy in their own space makes the GSA-AgilQuest team the go-to leader in the deployment of these technologies and processes for all of the Federal Government. AgilQuest stands ready to support deployment in all 375 million sq ft of the GSA real estate portfolio
- Real Estate cost savings is just one benefit. Sustainability is dramatically enhanced with a carbon footprint reduction of 20,000 metric tons of CO2 and energy savings of over 20 million KwH. Nothing even comes close to Smart Occupancy in producing these benefits. Continuity of Operations (COOP) is enhanced by the increased agility and mobility of the workforce. Commuting times, energy costs and CO2 production are all slashed. People have more workplace choice and are more productive.
We hear so much about the bad things that occur in government, the GSA Story should be trumpeted as a great example of what thoughtful, aggressive and innovative leadership can do for an organization. There are at least eight laws, directives and executive memos that demand all other federal agencies implement Smart Occupancy. It’s time for them to read and heed. It is the right thing to do for the government, the taxpayers, the federal employees, the transportation infrastructure and the planet.
-John Vivadelli